Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Curriculum relevance

education provide needs to be relevant to the development of the people/ community and to the needs of the nation and the individual. in this case, education at all levels should develop entrepreneurial and self reliance skills which will lead to maturity of mind set of the learner that he or she can lead his ways in independent manner. A graduate from secondary schools and universities should be well prepared for self employment.

one question is why graduates from secondary education or university cannot employ themselves? why they beg for the government to employ them?

one thing to take into consideration is education or knowledge is more than construction of classes and high rate of enrolment.

what is wrong with our education system?

education essential for development

in almost all development- related discussion and debates, Africa seems to specialize in occupying the bottom wrung of the ladder. if indeed education is essential for the progress of any country, and that when this is abused, there occurs a deep reduction in the metabolism of a society, shouldn't we be discussing where the problem lies? by Jennifer Chiwela - Zambia(2006)

from this short speech we have to ask ourselves, are our education systems based on our needs that address our own societies or are they coppied from elsewhere?

your comments!